What happens when Princess wears a hair clip

I’ve commented on lots of posts about my jealousy of cute little girl hairdos.  For several reasons:

  1. I can’t style my own hair in anything other than a ponytail or braid, let alone my daughters.
  2. She takes everything out of her hair very quickly.

So, here’s what happened the other day when I FORCED her to wear pigtails.

She was told she had to keep them on through church.  She did, barely.  By the time we picked her up from Sunday School, the ties were half out.  Then by the time we got home, she’d pulled it all out.  It took 5 tries to get them in.  And that first picture is what it looked like while I was trying to put them in.

This is Princess. This is Princess with Scissors. Any questions?

This is Princess:

This is what Princess did with scissors:

And this is what her hair looks like now. Then she poured most of a bottle fo shampoo on her head, and got mad it took a long time to rinse out.

Go figure.

Does that look like an innocent face to you?  That’s what she claims.  Well, I have an appointment to get her hair cut tomorrow, I have no clue how this will be salvaged, but I trust my friend Melissa at Salon Ciao Bella can fix it, if anyone can.  I’ll update you tomorrow with the new do.

Comments from the original post were mainly support and stories of either cutting their own hair or when their child cut their hair. Sigh…

And here’s the fixed haircut

She was nice enough to even it up for me, and still leave the back long.  I almost think I should have cut the back shorter, but Princess likes to play with her air, and I like it long.  So, it all worked out, mostly.

As she was cutting it we discovered all sorts of places where Princess had cut it.  Silly girl.

And a great big shout out to Melissa over at Salon Ciao Bella for doing such an awesome job.  YOU ROCK MELISSA!


13 responses to “What happens when Princess wears a hair clip”

  1. MaryAnne Avatar

    Sounds like she would get along well with Emma =)

  2. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    Well, she looked really cute while they were in. Maybe she'll decide she likes them when she's a little older 🙂

  3. Little Lizard King Avatar
    Little Lizard King

    Very funny and sometimes frustrating, I imagine!

  4. Christy Avatar

    I feel your pain! Reagan has never liked anything in her hair either. I am also inadequate when it comes to styling hair. Pigtails are tough because it's hard to get that straight part down the back (especially because Reagan has a side part). I did manage to make a bun for the recital last weekend though. NOT the pretty one from my pictures – that one was done at a hair salon; I did the bun for the Sunday recital – it was nothing special, but it stayed put all day.

  5. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog Avatar
    Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog

    Awwww…. she looks SO CUTE in pigtails!! This can be such a challenge — especially with a moving target!

  6. Mama Hen Avatar
    Mama Hen

    She looked really cute though!

  7. Phyllis Avatar

    Oh, Tisha, I KNOW how you feel! My mother never put my hair up and I so envied the little girls who had their hair so nicely done. I just never learned how to do my own; I so much looked forward to putting up my daughter's hair and she would have nothing to do with it. She still rarely puts her hair back. Then I had four boys, so no hair-dos there either. I feel better at least knowing that I am not alone!

  8. Stuff On My Blog Avatar
    Stuff On My Blog

    oh DEAR, this makes me VERY glad indeed that I have a herd of BOYS LOL.

  9. Myrnie Avatar

    Haha…sounds so familiar 🙂 Poor Princess!

  10. Felicity Avatar

    I have a daughter who's just the same!! No hairstyle lasts the whole day – she pulls the bands out and runs around looking like an English Sheepdog! I only hope it'll get better as she gets older ;-))

  11. I've always wondered why “hairstyles” work for some girls, and for some they do not.

    My two let me fix their hair and they keep it in pretty well, but I began “torturing” them as babies by always putting a headband with a bow on them to match their outfits…my poor little girls!

  12. I find it hard to keep the hair things on my girls too. It has gotten easier since they got bigger, thought.

  13. Anna is totally like Princess – I can count the times she kept her pigtails in on the fingers of one hand. It doesn't help that I am really bad in securing them properly too – I always had short hair and didn't learn how to do all those braids and pigtails.

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