help for spiritually empty

What to do when you’re spiritually empty

This past week I’ve felt like I was running on fumes.  I’ve been running around from place to place and achieving much, but I didn’t feel like I was.  I tried teaching my kids our Bible lessons for the week, and I didn’t feel connected.  I didn’t think they were getting it.

What to do when you're spiritually empty

I’ve spent the week bordering on sick.

Then last night I was done.  I couldn’t take any more emotionally.  I was tired, I needed rest and to recharge.

I finally did what I should have been doing all week.  At 11:45 last night I talked to my husband about my struggles.  I prayed.  I read my Bible.

All week long I’ve been listening to sermons, I’ve been doing spiritual things, but I wasn’t feeding myself the way I knew I needed to be.  I NEED to be in HIS WORD.

That’s the whole reason I’m writing this series.  So someone else won’t make the mistake I did, so we can all learn to teach out of the overflow of our hearts.  And I wasn’t.

So I stayed up an extra hour last night and read the book of Hosea.  I’ve been needing to read that for weeks.  It’s the next set of lessons I’m supposed to be preparing, the minor prophets, but I’ve been putting it off.

steps to recover when spiritually empty

It’s poetry.  I don’t like poetry.

It’s depressing and angry.  I don’t like depressing and angry.

It’s tiring.  I’m already tired.

But I read it, and I was energized.  Hosea goes through horrible things.  He has bad news to deliver.  He doesn’t get to deliver bad news with the promise of a future.  But for one verse.  There was one verse I had to copy out last night.


So my advice when you know you need to recharge?

1. Pray.  Take some time to pray and seek God.  Do you have the right priorities?  God will show you what you need to take out.  Have you given yourself enough margin?

2.  Talk to your spouse or a trusted friend.  Jeff pointed out some things that I knew, but didn’t want to admit.  I have some responsibilities that I took on, that I wasn’t supposed to.  It is running me ragged.

3.  Read your Bible.  We all heard the song in church as little kids “Read your Bible, pray every day, and you’ll grow, grow, grow.”  I wasn’t reading my Bible.  I was reading other things, but not my Bible.

4.  Take time to rest.  My body has been throwing fits all week.  I was tired or not feeling well almost every day.  I desperately wanted to rest, but I kept telling myself I had too much to do.  Then I wasted time on Facebook.  Last night I stayed up later than any of the other days this week, and today I woke up earlier, but I feel rested.  Why?  Because I finally obeyed.  I didn’t read Percy Jackson until I couldn’t focus my eyes.  I closed that book and opened my Bible.

go to the source when spiritually empty

And read it. And I was refreshed.

NOW I am ready to pour God into my kids, because HE has been poured into me.

Pouring the Bible into your kids
help for spiritually empty


15 responses to “What to do when you’re spiritually empty”

  1. So true. I can tell when I haven’t taken the time in the Word like what I should be. I can see when I am running on empty and don’t have anything to pour. Great post!

  2. Almost Unschoolers Avatar
    Almost Unschoolers

    Amen to this!

  3. I know I can tell when I have not been in the Word. Thanks for these great reminders!

  4. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    So glad it helped!

  5. “I’ve been listening to sermons, I’ve been doing spiritual things, but I wasn’t feeding myself the way I knew I needed to be. I NEED to be in HIS WORD.”
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ THAT was totally me for several weeks! I was going through the motions and not getting fed. Glad you found your spiritual energy!!

  6. Found you through my friend Heather up there. Thinking someone was trying to get a message through to me! Thank you!

  7. I have SO been there, and am getting close to doing it again- thank you for this reminder- I need to get back into my Bible study again- and be REFRESHED…

  8. Thank you….off to read the Word.

  9. Wow, your week sounds just like my week! I so needed to hear this. Praise God that He DOES recharge us when we turn to Him and get FED. Thanks for posting this.

  10. I read this a few weeks ago when you originally posted it and it spoke to me then, but WOW does it speak to me even more now. I had a similar conversation with my husband last night. I woke up this morning and dove right into the Word and my day is going so much more smoothly.

    Thank you so much for linking up to the Living Intentionally Challenge, this post is perfect for it!


  11. Sheeba Jacob Avatar
    Sheeba Jacob

    That was so relatable.Thanks.Yes no other literature but the Bible and no other conversation but prayer can energize us.

    1. I’m glad to hear it encouraged you. Grab your Bible and go read it! 🙂

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