Where did February go?

It feels like February just started, and yet here we are on the last day of it. I’m having a rather uninspired day for writing and wanting to do anything productive.  It’s cold in my house and all I want to do is huddle up in front of a fire with a good book or maybe some sewing projects.

Valetine's Day fun

I’ve been reorganizing my pictures, and rather than keeping them by date, I’ve been breaking them down into the subject of the potential post.  Which works great, until I want to share what we’ve done in a week.  So, instead you’ll get to see my ideal day.

We started with Jeff and the kids bringing me breakfast in bed, and then everyone got to have their Valentine’s Day present with some Mommy snuggles.  This year I let them pick out a small box of candy or something else they’d like as long as it was under $5, and then we had picked out a Valentine book for them.

family posing

Jeff had a grand plan of getting family pictures over by my Mom’s office, and each of the kids got to choose a location and a pose.  Which led to some decent shots, and quite a few odd shots (the strange walking pose).

From there we headed to see the new Lego Movie, and since we had some time to kill we spent it wandering around and posing on furniture at a nearby furniture store.

furniture store

This led to some of the rare good photos of Superman, who always has this weird grin on his face for pictures, and a lot of great candid shots of the kids just being themselves.  I particularly love Batman laying on top of Superman, since that is a rather common site here.

engagement shots

After the movie we got dinner (where Princess got her rose) and then headed over to where Jeff proposed with lots of “awwww that’s so sweet” from Princess and lots of gagging sounds from the boys.  But they rallied when they got a chance to goof off.

silly kiddos

It was lots of fun, we wandered all over, and found some great photo spots, and some silly photo spots, and some really bad ones.

silly faces

But sometimes that’s what great memories is all about, the silly moments, and those small moments that you don’t know why you remember them.


Let me look at February goals

People who didn’t cook the meal do the dishes– I’ve done pretty well with that one, probably because I can tell the kids to do it.

Schedule a realistic week– Mostly I’ve done that, I need to keep track of my clipboard with my Illuminations schedule, because otherwise I lose track of our goals.

Eat 5 out of 7 meals at the dining room table– I think we did 4 out of 7, so improvement, but not all the way

Get upstairs back in shape again– It’s like the tide, sometimes the mess is high, and other times it’s low.  Right now I think it’s between tides, and we’ll get it back in shape soon.


Goals for March

Dishes- I hate them, I still don’t like doing them, but I need to do them.

Laundry- I need to do a load a day rather than grumbling and then trying to do 5 loads in a day, that never works

Bible- if I’m going to read all of Psalms in a year, I need to read 15 chapters AT LEAST this month.  In case anyone is wondering this is me reading Psalms, or most poetry:


Ummm other goals, but with the lethargy from the cold I can’t think of a single one of them.


10 responses to “Where did February go?”

  1. Love all your pictures. I need to do that more. I just LOVED the video.

    1. That video cracks me up every time I see it. I’ve shown it to the kids to show how ridiculous they look when they complain about carrying stuff, or chores.

  2. Oh what a great day!! How was the movie? LOL on you reading poetry! 🙂

    1. We loved the LEGO Movie, if you like any of the LEGO cartoons that are already out, it’s in that vein. The kids will probably see it at least one more time in the theater because my Mom wants to see it with them, and I’m sure we will be buying the movie, and probably one or two sets to go with it.

  3. Yay for goals! I love that top photo of your three kids. So cute! Actually, this post is full of awesome photos!

    1. I know, it’s one of my favorites too. Fingers crossed I keep working at them. I tend to lose track of my goals that I specifically set for the month and end up achieving other random goals somewhere along the way. It kinds of cracks me up.

  4. You had a fantastic Valentine’s Day! I loved the picture of Princess with her rose and of the boys whispering to her.

    1. I love that one too! At first we were going to have the boys pretend to kiss her, but they kept pulling their faces and goofing off so it just wasn’t possible to get a good picture. I think the whispering is much cuter anyways.

  5. I think I typed up a comment here, and forgot to hit publish 🙁 Oh well – great picks (I especially liked the weird walking one), and a lovely day!

    1. I do that all the time (forgetting to hit publish).

      I kinda like the weird walking one too. It really did amuse me to see how the kids brains were thinking for good pictures.

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